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Ostentativ Englisch

Ostentatious: A Deeper Look into the Meaning and Usage

Understanding the Concept

Ostentatious is an adjective that refers to behavior, actions, or things that are meant to display wealth, importance, or distinction. It is often associated with ostentation, which is the willful display of luxury and extravagance.

Examples in Literature

The following examples from literature illustrate the use of "ostentatious":

  • "He lived ostentatiously, with a large house and a fleet of cars."
  • "Her ostentatious jewelry sparkled in the sunlight."
  • "The politician made ostentatious promises that he knew he could not keep."

Connotations and Implications

Using the word "ostentatious" often carries negative connotations, suggesting that the person or thing being described is superficial, vain, or lacking in substance. It can also imply that the display of wealth or status is excessive or inappropriate.

In some contexts, however, "ostentatious" may be used with a more neutral or even positive connotation. For example, it can be used to describe someone who is simply proud of their accomplishments or who enjoys expressing themselves in a flamboyant way.
