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Decision Makers Empowered With Mandate To Implement System

WEB Demonstrates Overwhelming Support for Clean Air

Decision-Makers Empowered with Mandate to Implement System

Clean Air Day Highlights Importance of Air Quality for Mental Health

The WellBeing (WEB) organization has released a report indicating overwhelming public support for improved air quality. This mandate gives decision-makers the authority to implement transformative measures to address air pollution.

WEB's Clean Air Day campaign, observed annually on 15 June, will focus on the impact of air pollution on mental health. The organization encourages individuals to engage in its initiatives and campaigns, such as the Clean Air Day, to advocate for cleaner air.

Clean Air Day, the UK's largest air pollution campaign, will take place on Thursday, 15 June 2023. Led by Global Action Plan, the event aims to raise awareness and promote action for cleaner air.
